IICA Boosts Beekeeping in SVG with Tools for Queen Rearing
The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) delivered an assortment of tools and equipment to the Ministry of Agriculture to be used by its Extension and Advisory Services as part of their queen rearing initiative to expand the availability of quality queen bees to the beekeepers across St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
The donation included microscopes, grafting tools, queen catchers, and other items required for queen production.
The donation follows queen rearing training with members of the Division and beekeepers in November 2024, which was conducted by Argentine experts under the ApiCaribe Initiative.
ApiCaribe is a triangular cooperation project involving the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), the Argentine government, and Caribbean countries.
The project was developed by IICA based on common requests made by governments within CARICOM for support in developing their respective apiculture sectors.
The overall objective of ApiCaribe is to develop apiculture as an integrated farming practice that promotes scientific beekeeping and enhances the productivity of crops through pollination while increasing the income and welfare of farmers and the wider society.
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