The 2024 Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change
The Lancet Countdown is a partnership between The Lancet and the World Health Organization (WHO). The Lancet Countdown is an annual international assessment that tracks the relationship between health and climate change and highlights the record-breaking health threats seen around the world.

Days of health-threatening temperature in 2019–23
(A) Stressful heat days in 2019–23, by HDI category. The darker blue indicates observed total stressful heat days, and the lighter blue indicates the number of stressful heat days that would have been expected without human-caused warming. Red arrows indicate heat days attributable to climate change. (B) Average number of days with health-threatening temperature attributable to climate change in 2019–23, by country. HDI=Human Development Index. (Image courtesy of the Lancet)
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