MOA Hosts Meeting to Enhance Beekeeping Practices in SVG
A follow-up consultation meeting was held at the Ministry of Agriculture’s Conference Room, marking the conclusion of the Queen Rearing Management Workshop. Discussions were held to reflect on the training outcomes and chart a way forward for the apiculture sector in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Present at the meeting were: Mrs. Nerissa Gittens-McMillian Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry and Labour, Mr. Renato Gumbs, Chief Agricultural Officer, Mr. Michael Dalton, IICA’s Technical Specialist, Mr. Allan Williams, Beekeeping Extension Officer, Kenisha Mathias, Technical Aide, Extension and Advisory Services, Mrs. Sabrina Murphy- Bascombe, President of the local Beekeeper’s Association, Elian Tourn, President of the Pampero Beekeeping Cooperative and Cecilia Pellegrini, Researcher of the University Del Sur, Argentina.
Michael Dalton, Technical Specialist, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), provided a comprehensive overview of the “Improving Access to Replacement Queens to Support the Sustainable Development of Apiculture in three (3) Caribbean Countries: Barbados, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago” project.
Elian Tourn, President of the Pampero Beekeeping Cooperative in Argentina, expressed optimism about the growth potential of the beekeeping industry in SVG. He highlighted the collaborative efforts between local beekeepers, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Beekeepers Association as a strong foundation for future development. Mr. Tourn also emphasized the value of ongoing knowledge exchange between countries.
Sabrina Murphy-Bascombe, President of the SVG Beekeepers Association, noted the significant insights gained in queen-rearing management, highlighting it as a critical step in improving farm practices and expanding the local apiculture sector. “Honey is not just about consuming it fresh. There are many health benefits out there that we need to capitalise on,” she stated, underscoring a need for innovation and growth.
Mr Allan Williams, Beekeeping Extension Officer, indicated that 140 beekeepers are producing an average of twelve (12) gallons of honey annually. He addressed challenges facing the sector, including reduced honey availability due to Hurricane Beryl, urging consumers to remain patient as production stabilizes. Mr. Williams also expressed optimism about 2025 plans to further develop the sector, improving beekeeping practices and contributing to the livelihoods of farmers and beekeepers across the country.
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