Montana Is Buzzing As One Of The Best Beekeeping States
Buzz... buzz... buzz.
Bees are essential to humans and our food supply. The United Nations Environment Program says "a third of the world's food production depends on bees."
We are buzzing over a recent ranking that placed Montana in the top 5 of the best states for beekeeping. Lawn Love published a study looking at 2024's Best States For Beekeeping.
The 4 categories are:
1. Economic/Profitability (Average Beekeeper salaries, price of honey, total production)
2, Colony & Population Health (Max number of colonies, annual change in colony numbers)
3. Education & Support (Number of Beekeeper Associations and apiculture establishments)
4. Environmental & Regulatory Factors (Yard sizes, rainfall averages, number of extreme hot or cold days and droughts)
All 4 categories were combined into a single, cumulative score. Montana ranked #5 in the country with an overall score of 40.32. Montana's best categories were Colony & Population Health and Environmental & Regulatory Factors, ranking #4 in both.
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The top 5 is an eclectic mix of states. Ahead of the Treasure State, is #1 California, #2 New York, #3 North Dakota and #4 Texas. The best beekeeping states range from the Northeast to the West Coast to the mountains and upper plains. Who would have guessed? 11 states weren't judged because of insufficient data, but the bottom 5 states were #39 Arkansas, #38 Utah, #37 Arizona, #36 Maine and #35 Kansas.
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Read More: Montana Is Ranked In The Top 5 For Beekeeping |
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