A lot of snow but only at high altitudes, the weather in October has been unusual
The Italian mountains, from the Alps to the Apennines, offer us, in the month of October, a rather different panorama compared to the usual.
Despite abundant precipitation, what has surprised residents and tourists is the absence of snow on the peaks below 2500 meters.
This unusual phenomenon is closely linked to higher than average seasonal temperatures, which have prevented the typical autumn snow cover, often already visible in many mountain locations.
Abnormal temperatures and snowless landscapes
This autumn in Italy has been characterized by temperatures much higher than the averages of past years, thus hindering the formation of snow at lower altitudes.
Despite the presence of abundant rains, especially in the month of October, these precipitations have manifested in liquid form even at altitudes that would usually already be snow-covered.
With temperatures remaining high, the natural process of freezing and snow accumulation has been avoided.
This scenario appears as a clear signal of the ongoing climate change, which is radically altering weather patterns, impacting the mountain environment and its unique characteristics.
An unusual October: no early snow cover
October generally represents the month in which the first snowfalls can be observed in the mountains, especially above 2000 meters.
The early onset of snow cover is essential to create a stable and resistant snow base, capable of lasting the entire winter season and ensuring conditions for winter sports.
However, this year the Italian mountains are still bare of snow, due to temperatures well above average.
Despite numerous rains, these have not managed to convert into significant snowfalls, leaving the peaks without the white mantle that usually characterizes them at this time.
With scarce or absent snow cover, many ski resorts fear a delayed start to the winter tourist season, with possible economic losses and damage to mountain tourism.
The influence of High Pressure and Anticyclone
The exceptionally warm temperatures of this autumn are partly attributable to the presence of warm air masses, caused by High Pressure systems and Anticyclones coming from North Africa and the Mediterranean basin.
These atmospheric systems have created a sort of natural barrier, blocking the arrival of traditional cold currents from Northern Europe, which usually bring a drop in temperatures and thus the ideal conditions for the first snowfalls.
Even when some cold spells have appeared, they have not lasted long enough to generate a real snowfall.
Current forecasts show that this trend of high temperatures could continue in the coming months, further delaying the arrival of winter in the Italian mountains.
Water reserves at risk
The lack of autumn snow not only represents an obstacle for the winter tourism industry but also has profound repercussions on water reserves.
Snow constitutes a precious water reserve that accumulates in winter and gradually melts with the arrival of Spring, replenishing rivers and lakes and contributing to the natural water cycle.
Without this reserve, there is a real risk of water scarcity during Spring and Summer, with consequences on the water resources available for agriculture and civil use.
This situation is particularly critical for regions already facing periods of drought, where water availability heavily depends on the snow reserves formed in the winter months.
A mild and snowless autumn could, therefore, further aggravate the water situation in the coming months.
Seasons in transformation
The absence of snow in the Alps and the Apennines in October fits into a broader picture of changes affecting the seasons as a whole.
Not only Autumn, but also Winter, Spring, and Summer are increasingly characterized by extreme weather phenomena, which are altering their usual course.
The increase in average temperatures and the presence of prolonged periods of High Pressure alternated with sudden weather deteriorations make the climate increasingly unpredictable.
In this scenario of changes, even the mountains, which used to be covered with snow starting from October, find themselves in a process of change dictated by unprecedented climatic conditions.
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