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10월, 2024의 게시물 표시

Climate Change: A Catalyst for Deadly Weather Events

Climate Change: A Catalyst for Deadly Weather Events Recent research sheds light on the chilling reality of climate change: it is intensifying some of the deadliest weather events in modern history. An analysis conducted by the World Weather Attribution (WWA) group reveals that human-caused climate change has significantly heightened the frequency and severity of the ten deadliest extreme weather events over the last two decades, leading to the tragic loss of over 570,000 lives across various continents. Among the most devastating incidents was the drought in Somalia in 2011, which claimed more than 250,000 lives. The study indicates that this drought's low rainfall was made more likely and severe due to climate change. Similarly, the heatwaves that ravaged Europe in 2015, resulting in over 3,000 deaths, were found to be twice as probable in our current climate compared to a pre-industrial scenario. The findings are particularly alarming in light of the extreme heatwaves of 2022 an...

The Alarming Rise of Heat-Related Illnesses Amid Climate Change

The Alarming Rise of Heat-Related Illnesses Amid Climate Change As climate change continues to escalate, the threat to public health is becoming increasingly severe. According to a recent report from the Lancet Countdown, the year 2023 has set a grim record: individuals experienced an average of 50 more days of dangerously high temperatures than would have occurred without the impacts of climate change. This alarming trend not only contributes to rising mortality rates but also promotes the spread of diseases associated with extreme heat. Vulnerable populations, particularly the elderly, are bearing the brunt of this crisis, with heat-related deaths among those over 65 rising by 167% since the 1990s. The report further underscores the economic implications of extreme heat, estimating a staggering loss of 512 billion labor hours worldwide due to last year’s conditions. This translates to billions in lost income, highlighting that the climate crisis is not just a health issue—it’s an eco...

Beekeeping buzzes with potential in Malawi–Zambia landscape

  Beekeeping buzzes with potential in Malawi–Zambia landscape The increasing viability of beekeeping drives this shift as an income-generating enterprise alongside climate-smart farming initiatives.  Anthony Chatama, a local leader in Kasungu, speaks optimistically about beekeeping's future. ‘From this early experience, we see many potential benefits in beekeeping,’ he says. ‘On top of them all, we see improved incomes for our families and our cooperatives taking a significant part in building community projects.’  Honey extraction is not necessarily new in these communities. It’s a centuries-old tradition in Africa, where hunters harvest honey from bee colonies found by chance or by tracking the bees to tree and ground cavities. They often do so at night, when the bees are inactive, usually without protective clothing and using fire and smoke to subdue them. The honey gathered is mainly for home consumption, although the surplus is sold unprocessed.   How beeke...

In Record-Hottest Year, U.S. Voters Will Decide Climate’s Path Forward

  In Record-Hottest Year, U.S. Voters  Will  Decide Climate’s Path Forward As the U.S. stands on the precipice of one of the most consequential elections for climate change in history, one of NASA’s top climate scientists warns that “2024 is almost certain” to be the hottest year on record. If so, it will topple the  remarkable record set just last year , driving home the path humanity has set itself on. The consequences of our choice to continue burning fossil fuels that release heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere go beyond those temperature records. They are increasingly clear in the devastating  heat waves ,  hurricanes  and other extreme weather events that have cost hundreds of lives and  billions of dollars  just in the U.S. this year. They are experienced in more subtle changes to the climate that affect crop yields and food prices and result in  worsening health for millions . Thousands of climate science studies h...

Beekeepers sound the alarm: we eat fake Chinese products and locally made honey is left to gather dust

  Beekeepers sound the alarm: we eat fake Chinese products and locally made honey is left to gather dust Beekeeping is a profession that has centuries-long history in Latvia. And it is in a critical state right bow. For years (five, to be exact) this sector has been in a state of economic crisis that impacts all local beekeepers, warns Latvian Beekeeping Society (LBB). LBB Board Chairman Valters Brusbārdis comments: “Beekeeping is primarily situated in Latvian countryside. Those are small family businesses. Often it is the sole source of income for these people. To preserve beekeeping businesses in the country and residents in the countryside, the sector is in dire need of active support from the state. We need a quick solution for support of beekeeping businesses that have ended up in financial difficulties, protect the local honey market in Latvia, as well as support a solution on the European level.” More than 3 644 (members of LBB) residents engage in beekeeping in Latvia. In 2...

Saudi Reef Provides Saudi Beekeepers Training in Italy on Latest Beekeeping, Queen Production Technologies

  Saudi Reef Provides Saudi Beekeepers Training in Italy on Latest Beekeeping, Queen Production Technologies The Sustainable Agricultural Rural Development Program (Saudi Reef) has organized a study visit to Italy for a delegation of Saudi beekeepers, in cooperation with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), to enhance their skills and introduce them to the latest global techniques in beekeeping and queen bee production within the program's efforts to develop the sector in the Kingdom. The visit falls within the international training program recently launched by Saudi Reef to contribute to the growth and development of farmers' capabilities and skills. The program educates farmers on modern agricultural practices through international study tours focused on specific agricultural fields. The delegation included model beekeepers with demonstration apiaries to share their expertise with other beekeepers, as well as representatives from cooperative beekeeper...

‘Wicked problem’: five charts that show how the climate crisis is making Australia more dangerous

  ‘Wicked problem’: five charts that show how the climate crisis is making Australia more dangerous ‘Wicked problem’: five charts that show how the climate crisis is making Australia more dangerous “It is a wicked problem,” says Dr Karl Braganza at the Bureau of Meteorology, after running through Australia’s latest State of the Climate report. The effects of rising heat on land and in the oceans, coupled with rising greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, are changing Australia’s climate rapidly and “flowing through to how our society, economy and other things operate”. The report, released Thursday by the bureau and CSIRO, checks the data on temperature, extreme heat, ocean acidification, rainfall and a host of other measures. Braganza, the climate services manager at the bureau, calls it “checking the vital signs of Australia’s climate”. Those signs indicate that the country is becoming hotter and more dangerous – and the temperature trends will only worsen in the future. Here are fi...