Fundraising campaign to support Michigan State University Extension apiculture programs
People who want to support Michigan beekeepers and honey bees can give to Michigan State University Extension’s Beekeeping Education and Support Fund.
Significance of beekeeping in Michigan
Michigan is an important state for honey bees and beekeeping. Michigan beekeepers produce honey, provide pollination services to fruit and vegetable growers, and sell honey bee colonies to other beekeepers.
Michigan migratory and commercial beekeepers typically move their honey bee colonies across the United States throughout the year and bring their bees to Michigan for pollination services in the spring and for honey production through the fall. Michigan stationary beekeepers, who keep their bees in Michigan year-round, also provide pollination services and produce local honey. Some stationary beekeepers begin with a small number of colonies as a hobby and then expand their operations over time to create side or full-time beekeeping businesses.
Honey bees are essential to Michigan agriculture, but beekeepers face many challenges. Large numbers of honey bee colonies die each year from diseases and other stressors, making up-to-date information and training essential to beekeeper success. Michigan State University Extension aims to increase education for stationary beekeepers. Michigan State University (MSU) Extension also aims to deliver education to pesticide users, land managers, home gardeners and the public to support the health of honey bees, other pollinators and beneficial insects.
Gifts support MSU Extension’s work to help beekeepers, honey bees and other pollinators
MSU Extension’s pollinator programs include the following focus areas:
- Instruct beekeeping through webinars, in-person presentations and in-hive workshops.
- Share pollinator protection best practices with farmers, growers, gardeners and other pesticide users.
- Encourage land managers and home gardeners to grow flowering plants for pollinators.
- Support commercial beekeepers through applied research.
- Train veterinary practitioners in apiculture and honey bee medicine.
Funding support will be used for MSU Extension’s education and outreach activities to support beekeepers, honey bees and other pollinators.
- Partnership with beekeeping associations: MSU Extension partners with the Michigan Beekeepers Association and local beekeeping clubs to provide education and outreach.
- Beekeeping webinars: MSU supports beekeepers throughout the state by offering virtual programming. Webinar recordings are posted to MSU Extension’s webpage for pollinator videos and the MSU Beekeeping YouTube channel.
- In-hive beekeeping workshops: MSU maintains honey bee colonies for beekeepers, regulators and the public to learn hive-handling, colony inspections, seasonal beekeeping management and specialized beekeeping topics.
- Educational presentations and training: MSU Extension delivers in-person and virtual educational presentations to beekeepers, pesticide users, land managers, home gardeners and the public to support the health of honey bees, other pollinators and beneficial insects. MSU Extension also participates in meetings and fairs with stakeholders.
- Educational materials: MSU Extension creates online resources to promote good beekeeping practices and opportunities for the public to support pollinator health. MSU Extension prints and shares educational materials at conferences, workshops, meetings and fairs.
- Professional development: MSU hires and provides professional development to student interns and research technicians. MSU Extension also participates in meetings and conferences to share its work and learn from colleagues.
- Supplies and training for first responders: MSU Extension’s Emergency Response to Accidents Involving Livestock program includes supplies and training for first responders to prepare for road accidents involving honey bee colonies.
- People interested in beginning beekeeping can take MSU’s free online course: Is Beekeeping Right for Me?.
- Beekeepers can find resources listed on MSU Extension’s webpage: Getting started with beekeeping in Michigan.
- MSU Extension’s impact and reach are summarized in MSU’s report: Supporting Beekeepers and Protecting Pollinators.
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