Beekeeping on Kos
Hi Kossacks , I wondered if there would be interest in having our own little of corner of Kos for beekeeping ?
First let me introduce my girls although I own them not nor did I buy nor steal them :-)
They live in a modified Dadant hive . This is the most common hive here in France, think National or Langstroth size . However this one has been “improved” Double thick walls -5 cm Smaller natural size entrance- 30mm, Roof - Warré style quilt , Volume about 55Litre Weight far too much :-) They have been sited in a roof top space bit like a bee bole 2m plus high .
Nope I dont do inspections nor treat nor am I after honey . I am after polinisation and swarms :-)
I am very much influenced by the work of Professor Seeley
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