AgLife: Bee parasite detected
Agriculture Victoria confirmed last week Varroa mite had been detected for the first time in the state.
The infested hive was identified at a property in Nangiloc, near Mildura, during surveillance activities that are carried out each year during almond pollination.
A parasite of adult honeybees and honeybee brood, Varroa mite weakens and kills honeybee colonies. The parasites can also transmit honey bee viruses. It does not affect native bees.
A team of 12 Varroa development officers have been recruited in Victoria to provide guidance to beekeepers about how to manage the mite and appropriately use the chemical control options available.
There are also Varroa management training workshops occurring across Victoria for both commercial and recreational beekeepers, which cover monitoring and threshold surveillance actions, integrated pest management techniques, record-keeping, and chemical treatments, including organic options.
Beekeepers in Victoria are urged to check their hives and to report suspected cases of Varroa mite to the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881.
All Victorian beekeepers are encouraged to record all hive movements and inspections, and the results of mite testing in BeeMAX.
Beekeepers with concerns can contact Victorian Varroa development officers by email at or by calling 1800 958 485.
For more information and updates on the detection, and any further Victorian varroa mite detections, people can visit
Agriculture Victoria confirmed last week Varroa mite had been detected for the first time in the state.
The infested hive was identified at a property in Nangiloc, near Mildura, during surveillance activities that are carried out each year during almond pollination.
A parasite of adult honeybees and honeybee brood, Varroa mite weakens and kills honeybee colonies. The parasites can also transmit honey bee viruses. It does not affect native bees.
A team of 12 Varroa development officers have been recruited in Victoria to provide guidance to beekeepers about how to manage the mite and appropriately use the chemical control options available.
There are also Varroa management training workshops occurring across Victoria for both commercial and recreational beekeepers, which cover monitoring and threshold surveillance actions, integrated pest management techniques, record-keeping, and chemical treatments, including organic options.
Beekeepers in Victoria are urged to check their hives and to report suspected cases of Varroa mite to the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881.
All Victorian beekeepers are encouraged to record all hive movements and inspections, and the results of mite testing in BeeMAX.
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