Bonghwa-gun's Initiative to Combat Varroa Mite Infestation in Honeybees
Bonghwa-gun has launched the '2024 Summer Honeybee Varroa Intensive Control Period' in collaboration with the Korea Beekeepers Association's Bonghwa-gun Branch. Running from June 26 to July 10, this initiative aims to tackle the rising threat of varroa mites, which are a significant pest in the beekeeping industry.
Varroa mites, parasitic pests transmitted between flowers and bees, pose a serious threat to bee populations by stunting larvae growth and spreading infectious diseases. Their activity peaks in June and July, with the potential to increase their population sixfold in just one week. This rapid reproduction rate can devastate bee colonies, crucial for pollination and agricultural productivity.
To address this issue, Bonghwa-gun is emphasizing the importance of timely varroa control during the summer. The initiative will educate beekeepers on effective control methods and appropriate drug selection. Key recommendations include using ingredients and products approved as veterinary drugs, rotating varroa control products based on their active ingredients rather than brand names, avoiding ingredients known to be resistant to varroa such as fluvalinate, and promoting early disease reporting to ensure swift action.
Lee Seung-ho, head of the Agriculture, Food and Livestock Division, highlighted the critical nature of this effort, stating, "We aim to minimize the damage to farmers by informing them about the importance of controlling varroa during the summer months when varroa breeding is active, as well as the correct control methods and drug selection."
Earlier this year, in a proactive step, Bonghwa-gun distributed free pesticides and immune-boosting drugs, including varroa wormicide, to 219 bee farmers. This support, funded by a 46 million won budget, underscores the county's commitment to sustaining its beekeeping industry.
By implementing these measures, Bonghwa-gun hopes to protect its bee populations, ensuring the continued health of its agricultural ecosystems and the broader environment.
Bonghwa-gun, in collaboration with the Bonghwa-gun Branch of the Korea Beekeepers Association, will operate the '2024 Summer Honeybee Varroa Intensive Control Period' from June 26 to July 10. This initiative aims to emphasize timely control of varroa mites during their active breeding season and provide beekeepers with guidance on proper control methods and drug selection. Key points include using approved veterinary drugs, rotating varroa control products based on ingredients, avoiding resistant ingredients like fluvalinate, and promoting early disease reporting.
Varroa mites are parasitic mites transmitted between flowers and bees, hindering bee larvae growth and spreading diseases. They are most active in June and July, with the potential to increase their population sixfold in a week, significantly impacting beekeeping productivity. Lee Seung-ho, head of the Agriculture, Food and Livestock Division, emphasized the importance of controlling varroa during the summer to minimize damage. Earlier in March, the county provided 219 bee farmers with free pesticides and immune-boosting drugs, funded by a 46 million won budget.
FAQ Summary
What is the 2024 Summer Honeybee Varroa Intensive Control Period? This is an initiative by Bonghwa-gun to control varroa mite populations in honeybees, running from June 26 to July 10, 2024.
Why is controlling varroa mites important? Varroa mites hinder bee larvae growth, spread infectious diseases, and significantly reduce beekeeping productivity.
What measures are being promoted for varroa control? Use approved veterinary drugs, rotate control products based on ingredients, avoid resistant ingredients like fluvalinate, and report bee diseases early.
When are varroa mites most active? Varroa mites are most active in June and July, with the potential to multiply rapidly.
What support has been provided to bee farmers? In March, Bonghwa-gun supplied 219 bee farmers with free pesticides and immune-boosting drugs.
- #SaveTheBees
- #BeeHealth
- #VarroaControl
- #SustainableAgriculture
- #EnvironmentalProtection
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