Bee-Killing Pesticide Given Backdoor Approval for 10th Year
Emergency Approval of Neonicotinoid in Florida Likely to Harm Pollinators
WASHINGTON— The Environmental Protection Agency announced Monday that it has approved emergency use of a bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticide on up to 75,000 acres of Florida citrus crops, including oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons, and limes.
This marks the 10th year that the EPA has granted a so-called “emergency” exemption of clothianidin for use on bee-attractive citrus trees in Florida to target the Asian citrus psyllid, the vector for citrus greening disease.
“This is truly a race to the bottom when it comes to the ever-more toxic chemical soup being applied to these fields,” said Nathan Donley, environmental health science director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “When the EPA grants so-called emergency approval year after year to a pesticide that’s never undergone a full safety review, there’s something fundamentally wrong about this approach.”
There are currently 16 different insecticides approved to combat this insect in Florida, including three other neonics: imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, and sulfoxaflor, according to the University of Florida.
Imperiled pollinators that will likely be harmed by today’s approval include the American bumblebee, the southern plains bumblebee, and the leafcutter bee.
The EPA has routinely circumvented the normal pesticide-approval process by allowing emergency exemptions for predictable and chronic situations that occur over many consecutive years. Emergency exemptions allow the use of pesticides that are either not approved or are approved for some uses but prohibited for certain other uses.
In 2019 the EPA’s Office of the Inspector General released a report finding that the agency’s practice of routinely granting emergency approval for pesticides across millions of acres does not effectively measure risks to human health or the environment.
The EPA’s widespread abuse of this process was chronicled in the Center’s report, Poisonous Process: How the EPA’s Chronic Misuse of ‘Emergency’ Pesticide Exemptions Increases Risks to Wildlife.
The Center followed that report with a legal petition calling for the EPA to limit emergency exemptions to two years as a way to prohibit some of the more egregious abuses of the process. Nearly four years later the EPA has not substantively responded to the petition or taken any steps to rein in the abuse of the emergency exemptions.
Today’s approval of emergency use of the neonicotinoid clothianidin comes as the EPA is in the process of reapproving multiple neonicotinoids for nonemergency use on some of the most widely grown crops in the country. The EPA pesticide office’s proposed decision stands in sharp contrast with the science-based decisions in Europe and Canada to ban or highly restrict neonics for outdoor use.
The authors of a major scientific review of the catastrophic decline of insects have said that a “serious reduction in pesticide usage” is key to preventing the extinction of up to 41% of the world’s insects in the next few decades.
The Center for Biological Diversity is a national, nonprofit conservation organization with more than 1.7 million members and online activists dedicated to the protection of endangered species and wild places.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is a neonicotinoid pesticide? Neonicotinoids are a class of insecticides that are chemically similar to nicotine. They are commonly used in agriculture to control pests but have been implicated in harming pollinators like bees.
2. Why are neonicotinoids harmful to pollinators? Neonicotinoids can harm pollinators like bees by affecting their central nervous system, causing disorientation, paralysis, and ultimately death. They can also impact bee behavior, navigation, and reproduction.
3. What is the significance of emergency approval for pesticides? Emergency approval allows the use of pesticides in situations deemed urgent, such as pest outbreaks. However, it bypasses the normal regulatory process, potentially leading to less thorough safety evaluations and increased risks to the environment and human health.
4. Why are bee-attractive crops like citrus trees targeted for pesticide use? Citrus trees, among other crops, are often targeted for pesticide use because they are susceptible to pests like the Asian citrus psyllid, which can transmit diseases like citrus greening. However, indiscriminate pesticide use can harm not only pests but also beneficial insects like pollinators.
5. What can be done to protect pollinators from harmful pesticides? To protect pollinators, it's essential to reduce pesticide usage, especially of harmful chemicals like neonicotinoids. Adopting alternative pest management practices, supporting organic farming, and promoting habitat restoration for pollinators are crucial steps in safeguarding their populations.
6. How can individuals contribute to pollinator conservation efforts? Individuals can support pollinator conservation by planting pollinator-friendly gardens, avoiding the use of pesticides in their yards, supporting local beekeepers, and advocating for policies that protect pollinator habitats and health.
7. What role do organizations like the Center for Biological Diversity play in pollinator conservation? Organizations like the Center for Biological Diversity work to raise awareness about the threats facing pollinators, advocate for stronger regulations on pesticide use, and promote habitat conservation initiatives to protect pollinator populations and biodiversity.
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